Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Buckle up, here we go...

I heart TRAX. I really do. Ever since I decided to sell my car and thus rid myself of such nagging grown-up responsibilities like the monthly car and insurance payments, gas fill-ups, regular oil changes and washes, with the occasional vanilla tree air freshener (I know, it was very needy), it has been, in the words of my sister, Lynde, "just lovely". Even though I am anti-early-morning-riser all the way (I have a lengthy pros and cons list on the subject. . .sans pros), I actually don't mind getting up a little earlier than needs be to ride the Utah Transit Authority's Public Transportation System to and from work. And that's saying A LOT because I also heart sleep. Like, double heart.

Whilst aboard TRAX, I have been enjoying a roughly 35 min. (give or take a few depending on the level of the train operator's compassion meter for the frantic student/businessman(woman)/cyclist sprinting to the doors before he/she closes them) worry-free, ever-so-jostly oasis of free time all to myself. And about 20 strangers. Today would have been 21 but apparently the meter was low. Usually I take advantage of said moments by reading. Morning is for the spiritual jump-start before a busy day; afternoon is for whatever library book I've undoubtedly renewed and at least once. I would return them sooner if I didn't pontificate so frequently with my fellow TRAX riders about the book's contents. . . ok, fine, I like to look at the pictures. When I finished my latest book last week, I considered which paperback to be my next TRAX time-passer victim. I took too long considering because when I boarded today after a long day at work, ready to dive into some good literature and let the commute float by, I was unprepared -- no book. I foresaw two options in my immediate future: 1) Initiate an extremely awkward and uncomfortable staring contest with a complete stranger (you'd be surprised at my "Blue Steel" capabilities), or 2) Read more from the Good Word (remember from the morning routine?). As I scoffed at the idea that I could become even MORE enlightened than I already am (shifty eyes scanning for lightning bolts) a figurative light bulb illuminated above my head, "You should start your blog!" After realizing it was more of a neon sign bearing the message than a light bulb, I started to think. . . Kind of bossy but not a bad idea.

For a few weeks I had determined to join the World of Blog and start one of my very own, but I was struggling with choosing the right name. Also, the right idea. What did I want to write about? I just got married this year, I could be "KSqaured" inspired by the Ks in Kim and Kyle and write about the wackies and wiles of our married life. Or, I thought about titling my blog, "The Nice One" from a nickname my family gave me and expose the truth that I'm not so nice after all (surely riveting, I know). Although an entry about that story will likely ensue, I decided not to go for it. And besides, it was taken (dang you, other nice one!). As I took my seat on TRAX, it all started coming together: Instead of reading on the TRAX ride home, why don't you write your blog? You always complain about having no time to do it. Well, here's your chance. And, hey, your last name is Day, you could play with that. . . (wheels a-turning)

. . . And so it begins. From the weird, to the funny, to the random, to the delightfully clever and yet surprisingly poignant.. this is me. . on TRAX. Any questions? I can't promise anything but I can promise it will be written while I ride TRAX. Don't be confused, I'm not writing about TRAX, I'm writing while on TRAX, but riding at the same time. Makey sensey? It's kind of like the saying, "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade". Well, when life hands me TRAX, I turn it into a blog. Take that, lemonade.

Hope you enjoy the ride!


  1. You are so darn clever and cute! Seriously I will get to say 6 months down the road when you have 20,000 followers that I wrote the first comment on your blog. I look forward to many laughs from reading all you have to say. Thanks for brightening my day, Mrs. Day. (Hey I am pretty clever too!)

  2. Ah, yes. Makey sensey. Sounds like fun. I hope you write about riding TRAX too. Quite a parade of people. Maybe TRAX will even sponsor your blog--as long as every word pass through their PR person first. I'll watch for more!

  3. How come you Madsens are so funny?? The Weenig cousins are just plain and boring...

  4. Take that, Lemonade! Love it. Also, I loved this post, it encourages me to want to write things on my blog too. Now that you're in the blogging world, I will tell you the address again, and you can check me out whilst you are on the TRAX. It's

  5. I didn't even get the double meaning of a day on TRAX 'til just now. Tricksey little Day, you are. It'll be fun to see what random things come to your mind whilst riding public transportation. Maybe there will be an entry or two about how much you wish you were more like me, "The Sarcastic One". Actually my nickname was a little bit more like "The Caustic One", wasn't it?

  6. HA! That's makes me laugh about what Tamara said. The Weenig cousins are anything but plain and boring! Which Madsen has run through the mall naked ... for a watch? Which Madsen ran a preschool out of their basement? Which Madsens have ANY patience or strategies for playing board games. That's some Weenig goodness right there.

  7. I. LOVE. YOU. You just crack me up!!! I dig the name and I'm excited to read all your crazy posts! I've been missing you so just reading this gives me a Kimmy fix to keep me going a little longer!

  8. I rode trax for quite a while too when I researched a lot downtown. Actually wasn't too bad, although it usually meant that I had missed the express bus so I was going to need double the time to get home that day... oh well. It happens! Public transit is very nice though. I do love it :)
